Carpe diem Recreation and General Training Foundation
It was registered with the Fejér County Court on September 7, 2001, Pk.63.265 / 2001/6. number.
Headquarters: 2457 Adony, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 5.
Registration number: 679
Bank account number: OTP 11736037-20593104
Tax number: 18492501-1-07
The aim of the foundation is to improve the quality of life and social equality of people who are disadvantaged for health or any other reason – mentally, socially, mentally or physically disadvantaged – by promoting their social integration, primarily by providing natural services and employment methods that are suitable for the individual. and to engage and develop their communication skills and opportunities, and to develop the individual’s personality as much as possible within the current social framework.
Melinda Glashütter
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Tel: + 36-70-365-7539
Roman Bognár
Program leader
Tel: + 36-70-4176-173
Board members:
Dr. Glashütter Csaba
Csernus Mariann
Gazdag Krisztina
Réti Kornélia